
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

now that doran has been under saddle for almost 2 months now(since mid aug),we haven't been riding everyday as the wet fall/winter weather is here. i have been on the search now for a coach to bring me and him along.even though i think i could do quite a bit on my own, i just would like some guidance and some goal setting help.miss having an instructor,haven't had one for 6-7 yrs i have put a ad on horse council bc and have received a couple replies and have someone coming this thursday the 29th. it will be just a meet and show where we are at type 1st day,so there won't be much to blog about,but i will anyways.
its been very rainy and windy here in bc and am hoping it will be a nicer day on thursday"crossed fingers"..even if it doesn't rain i will be happy. its times like this i miss my big barn in matzqui that had an indoor attached to the barn.
any of my followers have atleast 50 g's to build me a new

stay tuned for how the new instructor works out.


  1. Yeay! I can't wait to hear about your new coach! I always find I'm more productive when I have someone on the ground telling me what to do and pointing out areas that need improvement. There are just some things you can't see and don't feel unless someone brings it to your attention.

  2. yes very true. im amazed that i actually have followers.only 3 but thats more then i thought would follow my blog.
    i have my mom for eyes on ground but it just ant the same. anyways thanx for commenting and hope you enjoy my blog.
